The Mission of Atach'd is to change and improve the lives of troubled, ungovernable, abused or neglected teens, without regard to their race, color, national origin, religious preference or sexual orientation and to establish and aid all those who would join in this endeavor.
Atach'd mission is to provide a face lift to our community by enhancing the environment mentally, socially and spiritually-providing an array of prevention and intervention of professional services and dedicating ourselves fully by aiding families in all areas of life.
Atach'd was founded in 2012, as a youth focused organization. We begin hosting events that allowed the youth freedom of expression as well the opportunity to speak through dance.
In 2012, the organization started Atach'd Entertainment Group for inspiring film makers and actors/actresses to continue the ability to give outlets that allowed the youth to speak through art.
In 2016, we opened Atach'd To Tomorrow's Generation Living Center, a group home specifically working with youth in need of independent living development and incorporating film making. Then in 2019, Atach'd To The Love Of Living Center II was opened to the LGBTQ+ youth in need of a place to callhome without feeling minimizes. Since 2017, we have continued serving as a group home provider.
Residential Group Homes
Atach'd group homes are licensed by the State of Wisconsin Department of Children and Families. Revive group homes provide trauma informed therapeutic living services for male/female youth ages 12 through 21.
Safe, Stimulating Environment
Our programs are designed to interact with each youth as an individual while implementing techniques in the least restrictive environment for the safety and well being of the youth. Our programs encourage youth to grow with self-assurance and respect while engaging in treatment services.
Independent Living
Atach'd offers independent living development services for youth that are preparing to be on their own.
Family Therapy
Recognizing that adolescence is a stage filled with enormous challenges, individual and family therapy provides an intervention that focuses on the teen/ parent relationship.
Education & Social Enrichment
Life skills development along with academic counseling and support is implemented daily within our group living programs.